Are you still stuck in the good old fashioned way of measuring success by whether your team is producing 4x their wage? If so, this course is for you...

As much as that gives a little bit of a guide line, its a redundant way of motivating your team. And not to mention, it doesn't take into account your goals or your numbers.

Instead, let's tie together what success looks like to you (vision), why your team and you do what you do (purpose), the stories your current numbers tell you - and lets create an entirely customised target system for YOU. 

One that’s also motivating for your team and creates the right kind of team environment where instead of competing against each other, your team help lift each other to create a culture of high performance.

This 1-1 programme takes you through:
  • Identifying where you want to go - what is success to you?
    • Understand WHICH KPI’s really matter
    • Enable you and your team to have a greater connection to your business and the commercial outcomes 
    • Enable your team to have a greater connection to what matters to them through the work they do
    • Create a movement - not just a job
    • Know and communicate why you make the commercial decisions you make - even when it’s hard
    • Create clarity over what your version of success is - dont get side tracked focusing on the wrong outcomes!
  • KPI deep dive
    • A deep dive into your current numbers and the stories they tell.
    • Identify gaps and leaky buckets in revenue and results
    • Identify opportunities in your business you might not be aware of
    • Create a deeper understanding of the difference between inputs and outputs - financial outcomes vs the behaviours that lead to the outcomes
  • Forward KPI setting
    • Based on the vision, purpose and any opportunities identified, we’ll create tangible, measurable KPI’s needed to drive increased performance
    • A reporting framework that keeps your finger on the pulse across all key metrics every week
  • Creating a team and individual target system to motivate high performance in a mindful, culture aligned way
    • A target system made just for your business based on your goals, vision and purpose - one that actually motivates your team to perform better so together you can achieve your goals!
    • Create a culture of winning together 
    • Understand HOW to drive the commercial outcomes 



The outline:

  • 4 Fortnightly 1-1 90 min Zoom sessions with Gry
  • Designated planned home work in between to drive action and implementation
  • Gry analysing your current numbers and building a personalised target system for you 
  • Frameworks so you can help connect your team to all outcomes
  • Gry assessing, providing feedback and prompting further reflections of your homework
  • 2x phone check in’s 
  • Holding your hand as you implement 


The deal:

 INTRODUCTORY COST  $4990 - normally $5990 




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