My story...

My story:
I have personally had several coaches since before I opened my business. You could say I’m perfectionist who strives to learn as much as I can...
And I definitely learnt some valuable things. Like how to read my P+L (I hated numbers before!) and how to make sure my services were profitable. What commercial outcomes to expect in order to build a profitable business. And marketing journeys (which I never used)...

So what was the problem? Why didn’t all this coaching hit the spot?

Well, the things I learnt didn’t have a lasting positive impact. Because it started at the wrong end of the equation. It was about profit first. 

I didn’t measure the right things - I only focused on the growth in numbers. More revenue, higher average spend, higher frequency of visitation, higher individual performance.
But not looking at the drivers behind it. The behaviours...

So although we were making more money, the business was slowly declining in the culture we had.
And THAT was the beginning of all that newfound profit also slowly declining.

Therapists were cutting corners to make more money. They were stealing sales to get a higher bonus. They were lying to clients to make the sale.
The people who were “great producers” got promoted. A pay rise.
So basically we were rewarding people for doing the wrong thing and forgetting about the ones who did the right thing, because they were often the “lower performers”.

I didn’t know it at the time, because we were technically “killing it” - but we were actually in real trouble I realise now.

After years of coaching, I’ve sat back with a whole bunch of strategy papers and frameworks that mostly sat untouched in my office drawer. AND a near full team walk out to boot! Yep, I lost 8 people in 2 weeks 😩

We weren’t the employer of choice. I wasn’t a good leader. I just didn't know how to fix my business.

So I reached out to one of Australia’s top business advisors - and expert in mindful leadership, and we’ve been working together 1-1 now for 4 years. And THIS journey is what changed my life and my business! My biggest learning was that all good things take time...Much like fixing a skin condition - you HAVE to get the foundations right - a band aid solution just isn't going to cut it.

During the recent lockdowns I’ve been reflecting a lot on what it is that’s allowed me to turn this around in such a big way, and not only build a profitable purpose driven business - but one that makes me and the people who work there happy and thriving.

People who are happy and thriving are also more productive.
That's not a stretch is it?
People who KNOW their purpose and the impact they make every day, are more productive. And this connection between profit as the natural outcome of a purpose driven, culturally aligned business where people are the focus - THAT’S what I want to bring to this industry in a roaring way.

I’m driven by purpose. And my why is to inspire you to take action and lead with purpose by sharing honest conversations. No fluff. No jargon. No ten step system.

A process is useless if you're not to implement any of it. And you won’t be able to implement if you don’t start at the beginning and build the right foundation.

And that starts with you.

All the process driven “10 steps to 10x your business” in the world couldn’t help me because I didn’t have the right foundations.
When the foundation is right, we can implement the right processes so you can have an irresistible product, so you can make a good profit - and you can invest in the people that are important to you (you, your family, your team).

And when you know how to lead yourself effectively you can lead your team effectively. And if you can lead your team effectively, you’re leading your business effectively.

Why am I qualified?

I have built my business from scratch and turned it into a multi 7 figure business. One of Australia top clinics. One of the top two DMK stockists in Australia. And more importantly one of the most sought after placed to work.

Over the past 7 years I’ve invested over $300k on mentoring and coaching.
And I’ve taken all of that coaching, mentoring and investment I’ve made in myself and my business and reflected on what has made the BIGGEST difference. Not just in my life. But also in my business.

These are the skills I want to pass on. I’ve implemented them - and changed my business and my life completely!


Gry x

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